AT Plus Automatic Transmission Treatment

* AT Plus is formulated to provide an extraordinary level of performance in automatic transmissions.
* Increased gear shifting performance with a reduction in slippage.
* Revitalises o-rings
and seals, reducing seal leakage and down time.( Note: Roil will not repair worn or damaged seals.)
* Reduces gum and varnish build-up which extends part life and reduces maintanance and operation
* Replacing automatic transmission fluid:
Add one 360ml bottle of Roil AT Plus to every four litres of automatic transmission fluid at
the filler tube. Be carefull not to overfill. Repeat at fluid change or every 40-80,000 kms.
* Adding to existing fluid:
Drain 360ml of normal fluid from the fluid of a four litre capacity
tank and replace with Roil AT Plus. Be careful not to overfill.
* Repeat at fluid change or every
40-80,000 kms.
Available in 360ml bottle and 19 litre container.